Mon 27 Jan
Highly Reviewed Ebony Beauty Hosting in North County coastal - 33
(North SD County, north county coastal)
Holiday Stress? Come Relax & Treat Urself To A Highly Reviewed Sexy HDMASTR! Book Appt Now! - 36
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
💋💋💋 Here for 2 days only 💋💋💋 petite curvy blonde bombshell 💋💋💋 32DD 💋💋 ready to please - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego downtown, hotels)
** HAVE A Naughty LIL' Nightcap with a SEXY Japanese/Irish GIRL ** (( Fantasy-Fetish -Toys)) - 27
(( SeXy BrUneTTE ____ PLayBoY PLaYmAtE) ) __ ( LATINA )¯`'.¸ ; - 20
(Culver city/Marina del rey incalls)
H I G H L Y♥ ஐ Q U A L I F I E Dஐ ♥ S E D U C T R E S S - - 26
(South SD County, South SD-Chula Vista-Incall-Specials)
♥ ♥_______Sexy Busty HoTTie * real pic* DD's________♥ ♥ - 24
(Los Angeles, los angeles bhills mdr west la brentwood)
♥♥♥ ▬▬▬▬ GRAND ⏝OPENING ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MANY GIRLS to choose from ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RIGHT CHOICE ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿❀ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(City of San Diego, clairemont mesa blvd, San Diego)
Graveyard Shift And LateNighters Are Not Forgotten! Specials Just For You! - 45
(City of San Diego, Incall or Outcall)
💕🍭GorGeous MiXeD PriNceSS 👑 BoDy LiKe WoW 🎀 BuSty BoMbSheLL 💕 Incall Available Now💋ReaDy TO P - 23
(East SD County, fletcher pkwy exit - la mesa, San Diego)
H o t M od el Type !!! From San Francisco ... Real Piks .... All San DiegO!!!! - 21
(North(incalls) and surrounding)
Green Eyed Blonde Petite Bombshell! Upscale Location in OCEANSIDE - 19
(North SD County, Off the 78 fwy)
GREAT GIRL!! ☆ ((SeXy)) ☆ (( SwEeT)) ☆ ( RevIEWeD ) ☆ GREAT RATES!! - 26
°o° Cum Let This Southern Asian Cowgirl Ride U Rodeo Style! °o° VISITING - 23
(St. Louis & St. Charles)
*❤.•* SEXY BaByDoll *•.❤* ░▒▓ ❤ GORGEOUS ❤ FUN ❤ ▓▒░ *❤.•* EXOTIC ASIAN MODEL *•.❤ REAL PIC - 24
(Los Angeles, OUTCALL)
★( HaNDL€ w/ CaUT¡ON! ) )★ ( SuP€r SPECiALs ALL DAy» ;) ★ (PR€ttY • HoT • T€mPT¡Ng ) LASt DAy - 20
(North SD County, MIRA MESA 805 incall specialss)
*°*°*°*° Gorgeous Sweet & Beautiful. What you SEE is what YOU GET GUARANTEED! *°*°*°*° - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego & All Surrounding Cities)
gorgeous, upscaled, spanish goddess here 2 make your dreams a reality...$80 military incall special - 19
(North SD County, oceanside camp pentleton)
S P E C I A L S ((P L E A S U R E)) at its ((F I N E S T)) WE'RE_SO_ MUCH ((B E T T E R)) - 20
GREAT ! Mature & Fine Quality "daytime" for beautiful Pam - 41
(City of San Diego, Clairemont, La Jolla)
~~~~~~~*~~~~~~ SEXY ~*~ @^@~*~ ----------- ASIAN ~*~ HOT ------------~*~ @^@ ~*~ GIRL ~~~~~~*~~~~~~ - 24
SEXY Asian COLLEGE girls RENEE 21 , LULU 26 Only! Brand New Girls! VIP Service Try SEXY Pretty Asia - 21
SEXY _ _ _ _ _ _ CLASSY _ _ _ BEAUTIFUL _ _ _ _ BLONDE $600 per hour - 32
(5 frwy - studio city / burbank)
(( H O T )) & *KiNKY* ___ { BL0NDE } ___ :B A R B i E: ___ {SEXY= (1oO) =SPECiALS} ___ AVAiLABLE N0W - 19
(North SD County, MiraMesa, San Diego incalls/outcalls Now)
:¦:- S i N F U L L ¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ S D U C i V ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiNG -:¦:- - 23
(Philadelphia, Phil Airport Incalls/ Outcalls all over)
Come COOl of with sexy GISELle!! GReat reviews and NEw PHotos - 26
(City of San Diego, Mission valley)
Little in the middle.....but she got much back!!!!😜 Lets just have fun ☺ - 23
(Philadelphia, NorthEast/Surrounding pa area OutCalls)
💕 🌸 COLOMBIAN FEVER 🌸 💕 )( sexy )( petite )( fun )( brunette )( beauty )( two hotties )(🌸 💕 - 23
(North SD County, San Marcos)
* Close Late * ° New Special ° AMAZING MASSAGE by FINEST ASIAN MASSEUSE - 25
(North SD County, Mira Mesa / Poway / Del Mar)
•✿• •✿• •✿• CLASSY •✿• •✿• •✿• LOVELY •✿• •✿••✿• •BEAUTIFUL •✿• •✿••✿•THE ULTIMATE COMPANION •✿•✿•✿• - 27
Perfection at its FINEST 🔥🔥 Tall glass of water! 💦💦 💋💋OUTCALL - 23
(Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Downtown, LAX, 405,Torrance, PV, Carson, Airport, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Westside)
/////// ///// //// //// // /////// COCO SPA / ////// / /////// NEW STAFF ADD ..... 858-621-6369 - 23
(City of San Diego, MIRAMA RD)
Carlsbad ~Sweet Petite~Hot~Rare Treat ~ Incall cbad* Outcall sd costal - 39
(North SD County, Carlsbad Private Residence)
Can't get away? Can't host? I do NAUGHTY PICS & 🎥📹 for PAYPAL✨👀😉 call NOW or doing OUTS💫 - 24
(Doing Incall or PICS & VIDEO✨💎, San Diego, South SD County)
✔️ • CHECK OUT THiS SEXY EUPHORiA • ___ ✦✦ STUNNiNG BUSTY BOMBSHELL ✦✦ ___ {{ 80QK Specials }} - 25
(North SD County, Incall Avail. In Mission Valley)
♥ PERFECT 10 !! * SOO GORGEOUS!! * ♥ 80 SPECIALS!! ! - 22
(Los Angeles, Glendale/ Pasadena incalls)
(City of San Diego, UC San Diego / La Jolla Private/ Out)
Persian Princess Available TODAY 4 Outcalls in SFV!! I SPEAK FARSI !! - 27
(SFV Incalls Outcalls ANY)
-:¦:- PaNaMaNiAN GoDDeSs ◄ Residing from NeW JerSey ► -:¦:- - 22
(Los Angeles, Outcall Available & Incall)
****** ~ ~ P r e t t y _ & _ C h a r m i n g _ C h i n e s e _ G i r l s ~ ~ ****** - 24
(San Gabriel area - Incall)
* * ° » C L A S S Y + S E X Y + N A U G H T Y « ° * * - 20
(Escondido Incall&Outcalls; Everywhere!)