Mon 27 Jan
[CLICK HERE] $40 INCALL SPECIAL ....SexXxY CaRiBbEaN ...ReAdY 2 TeAsE & PLeAsE... - 21
(Southeast Houston/Hobby/ 45 south)
❌❌My PANT¡ES ArE WEƮ💦💦❌ CaN yOu HeLp TAkE eM oFF?? $75 HH SPL - 24
(Tyler, your place or mine (Longview))
Caramel Treat To Leave You Weak! Outcalls Available 😘 - 20
(Portland, Downtown/Vancouver/Portland/Gresham)
2 Sexy Models are waiting Here for YOU to Frolic in a passion filled fantasy - 25
(Portland, Vancouver (close in))
BOOTYLICIOUS *&* Magically Delicious Party Pleasure Pleaser Playmate* SeXy Specials 917 688-7909 - 23
(Bronx, OUTCALLS bronx yonkers new rochelle)
(2211B Richmond Ave. / Kirby / Hwy 59)
Blonde SexXi super Thick MIXXED♡♥Freak!! AVAILABLE Rite now (BUBBLE BOOTY)) - 22
(Bronx, Whiteplains road area priv iINCALLS ONLY)
Big Booty Mixed Ebony Vixen Treasure💋💄✨ 💯% Freak 60 Incall special - 22
(Bronx, Bx Incalls & Outcalls)
Classy 5 Star***** S--E--X--Y Girl ** Next ** Door ** Private incall SW area/ outcall all houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
blonde sexy new girl 1000% real pix 120hr spc 100hr b4 3 pm today - 21
(Bronx, allerton AV Boston rd #2 train)
$50 specials (Non Rushed) relax stress free A+ plus service 100% pics (347)607-1093 50/80/130 - 20
(Bronx, 238 Neried Ave & Whiteplains Road)
45$ TOP 60ss 100hhr YOUR C@R ! Right place right Dime👌BBW Beauty BODY😍 Sexxy MELLA - 21
(Bronx, Your C@r ONLY . STORY AVE AREA)
*-* Chocolate *-* Stallion *-* 504 * 606 * 9152 *-* - 19
(Houston, southwest freeway/ hotel dupreet/ incall)
**CAUTION** ~~NEW ADDICTING~~ NEW Latina W/CURVES In All The Right Places CALL Me NOW - 19
(fm1960 & 45 N Wooodlands, Spring, Conroe)
⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ NEW HERE ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ NAUGHTY ASIAN ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ Explore your WILD FANTASIES ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ 5038868538⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ - 21
(NORTH PORTLAND near Vancouver ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖, Portland)
CALLNOW (80/30mn) Pretty Little Petite Is AVAILABLE & Provides Safe & Private Location - 25
(Houston, BELTWAY-290-JONES)
38DD(ღ人 ღ)ReDBoNe ViXeN 👉✊👅 & 🔙🚪DiRTy FLoWeR FeTiShes - 21
(Boston rd incalls & 🔙🚪specials, Bronx, New Jersey)
Available Now👄Discreet Upscale Friendly Freak, INCALLS ONLY Let's meet! 💦CALL NOW!!! - 26
(Bronx, INCALLS ONLY 161 / Yankee Stadium)
CALL ME!! ★ S E X Y ★ ★ OUT - 19
(Houston, OUT)
>>>Busy Businessman Seeking Beauty Brains & Body**Private Incall Located Downtown***
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston.Galleria.Katy.Sugarland.Downtown)
Caramel Delight Sunshine Very Erotic Hot and Kinky >Special 40 40 40 @ 832 362 2300 INCALL ONLY - 18
(Houston, Beltway 8 & Almeda ... south side)
Available NOw **Call FoR TINY**💋TOdaY SPecIAL 1 DaY only $100HH - 21
(Bronx, E167.. BRONX.. OUTCALLS)
♥ BAdDESt BitCh »REMy REd! ♥ BAUtiFUl N' PRfECt B0dy! -FrEAK! lATE NiGHT SpECiAlz - 19
(Bronx, Bronx OUT SPECIALS)
####### Call 713-429-1951 ####### Sensual Singapore Girl Fiona ####### Outcall Only &*(^^% - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcall Only)
Don't stress...————— ♈️♈️♈️ ——— GORGEOUS NEW GIRLS ❤ NEW MANAGEMENT - NEW LINE UP — - 23
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Outcall, Tuscaloosa)
LeTs★ GeT Fri§Ky ★ {{§paNkabLe BooTy}} ★ PerKy TiT§ (+)(+) & a DirTy MinD [Let§ PlaY] ★In & Out - 20
(Tuscaloosa, RIDIN tIL yOu cOMe All ThE WaY!!!)
💜40 roses special 💜 Seductive 💋💋 Gorgeous 💜💜~~Ebony Princess Miss Cupcake 💋💋🏆🏆💋 - 22
(Tuscaloosa, 💋👑 Skyland blvd💋👑 in&outcalls;)
ADULT FILM STAR REBECCA WILD * Last Day in NYC * Very Discreet - 44
(Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
/////[][]~^~^ B@CK !N T0WN 4 @ SH0RT T!M3.. G3T TH3$3 G00D!3$ N0W D@DDY! ~^~^[][]\\\\\ - 21
(59S/ BELTWAY 8)
True escort BUSTY MOUNTain Girl from BOISE Mormon friendly - 48
(Portland, Vancouver,battleground area)
★ {TOP NOTCH PROVIDER} ★ ———————— ♥ {InC@LL & OuTc@LL Sp€cIaLs} ♥ —————————— {$80 INCALL SPECIAL} - 25
(Portland, $80 Vancover incall & outcall provided)
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
💛💝💛Katrina Vaughn Visit Dublin Mon-Wed ONLY!....**NEW PICS**....Book ASAP 💋💛💝💛 - 29
(East Bay, Pleasanton, Pleasanton, Dublin)
available now! & Nicole exxotic petite brunette snowbunniii ***available 24/7 incall - 20
(Houston, la porte/pasadena baytown in calls only)
~*~*~* Sweet And Sexy Caramel Diva ! Super Star Status Specials ! Call Now 916-203-7468 *** - 23
(Portland And Surrounding Areas)
Asian Mix-Cutie with a BOOTY- 100% REAL Pics- Beauty and Brains 832-887-8336 - 24
(Houston, OUT CALL ONLY)
^^^^ ASIAN ^^^^^ Ecstasy ^^^ NO SPA ^^^^ JusT ^^ Me ^^^^ 100 %%%%% - 21
(Houston Southwest, sw houston)
Sun kissed skin, Golden Blonde , NEW TO BACK PAGE!! SPECIALS !!! - 19
(Portland and surrounding areas)
~~~~ Asian Girl Sexy Daisy ~~~~ Outcalls Only Call Me 713-429-5451 ~~~~ - 22
(Houston, Outcall Only)
Specialz! ** with a 100% SATISFYing BruNetTE BOMBshell ** Specialz! (( 24/7 )) - 24
(Portland, Portland*Gresham*Clackamas*Vancouver)
🌸 Available Now , Sweet, Sultry, Seductive 💋 Hazel 💋 859•449•2471 💕 - 23
(Lexington, Lexington INCALL only!)
ೋ** IT'S S3xY S@TuRD@Y.. ~^^~G3T Th3 [S@T!SF@CT!0N] U D3S3RV3!! I'v3 G0T It N' M0R3!** ೋ - 22