Mon 27 Jan
REAL MASSAGE slowly turns SENSUAL/EROTIC Women/Couples welcome. Outcalls L.A. to O.C. Homes/Hotels
________ BEST MASSAGE IN TOWN _______ outcalls ______ mature latina _______ - 32
(Long Beach, Long Beach Belmont Shore Seal Beach)
Relax with candles, music and comfort. The best massage of your life - skilled hands & friendly. - 37
(London, Richmond and Huron)
NeW2TaMpA*SeNSuAL & TheRaPeUtiC DeeP TiSSuE MaSSaGe by ICELaNDiC GoDDeSS*CMT*Foot Fetish*Fab Reviews - 30
Atlantis Spa : Asian & Caucasian Masseuse. Revitalize. Rejuenate. Recharge. - 21
(8080 Leslie Road, Unit 140, Richmond, BC, Vancouver)
Atlantis Spa : Asian & Caucasian Masseuse. Revitalize. Rejuenate. Recharge - 21
(8080 Leslie Road, Unit 140, Richmond, BC, Vancouver)
Atlantis Spa : Asian & Caucasian Masseuse. Revitalize. Rejuenate. Recharge - 20
(8080 Leslie Road, Unit 140, Richmond, BC, Vancouver)
Atlantis Spa : Asian & Caucasian Masseuse. Revitalize. Rejuenate. Recharge - 20
(8080 Leslie Road, Unit 140, Richmond, BC, Vancouver)
Atlantis Spa : Asian & Caucasian Masseuse. Revitalize. Rejuenate. Recharge. - 21
(8080 Leslie Road, Unit 140, Richmond, BC, Vancouver)
♥♥♥♥ {{{{{{{ SeXy HoT BlOnDe BaBy At YoUr SeRvIcE }}}}}}}}} ♥♥♥♥ - 23
(Orange County, Ouorange county OutCall ONLY)
Sensual BODY2BODY RubDown w/ OC's Best - *Taylor*! Caucasian, Independent, Young, Fun & Petite! - 29
(Irvine, Newport Beach)
*****____ Slim Fit Italian Beauty *** Tight Abs Full Lips *** Fetish Friendly Body Rub ____***** - 24
(Manhattan, West 40s, West Side)
❤❤ BoDyRuB 👐🏼BoOtY 70$, 80$Special today💦Lexy😝 New Girl MUNICIPAL WORKERS WELCOMED - 25
(Bronx, Fordham,Bronx)
SPECIAL RATES TODAY! Caucasian Pretty Masseuse! - 38
(San Jose / South Bay, West San Jose/Saratoga Ave/280)
▃🚺🚺🚺🅰🅰🚼🚼▃ ❤❤ NEW 💘💘 Rose Health Spa ▃🚺🚺🚺🅰🅰🚼🚼▃ Muy Bonita Latinas & Asian💕💕💋💋💕 New Girls Arrived - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose South)
Mature Men Are Invited – ONLY $120/HR – PROSTATE Massage Is Available - 38
(San Jose / South Bay, West San Jose/Saratoga Ave)
💋💋💋💋Happy Tuesday, spend it with me, here for YOUR pleasure, sensual massage 💋💋💋 - 22
(Campbell, City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
ALL INCLUDED EROTIC NURU BODY2BODY SLIDE MASSAGE By Gorgeous Nubi@n Goddess~My Gliding's Mesmerizing - 26
Sexxy 46DDD BBW ~ Well Reviewed ~ I LOVE what I do...Ask about $60 Special! - 43
(East Bay, Incall- North Fremont off 880)
Hurry just a few days MUsT sEE ( o ) ( o )// double D CMT// Chelsea Caucasian ( click here) - 31
(Harrison/Piedmont Oakland Peace Center)
im ashlee by the airport and im running student specials - 23
(Oklahoma City, will rogers world airport)
______♥ ♥ ♥ Sexy Mixed Korean / Caucasian Masseuse ♥ ♥ ♥ - 25
(Glendale Pasadena Monrovia Pomona L.A.)
~ Incall/Outcall massage in Larkfield, NE Santa Rosa (Sonoma Co.) 7 days 9-9pm ~ - 48
(North Bay, Santa Rosa, CA (Larkfield))
♥♥♥♥ {{{{{{{ SeXy HoT BlOnDe BaBy At YoUr SeRvIcE }}}}}}}}} ♥♥♥♥ - 23
(Orange County, Ouorange county OutCall ONLY)
💋💋💋💋Happy Tuesday, spend it with me, here for YOUR pleasure, sensual massage 💋💋💋 - 22
(Campbell, City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
—— Petite —— American BOMBSHELLS ——— Pretty Face — Knockout Body! ——— Real Pics Inside ~GUARANTEED!~ - 20
(Downtown, Midtown West ~ DOWNTOWN ~ Chelsea)
Sexxy 46DDD BBW ~.!! SPECIAL $60 session SPECIAL !! ~ Come & Play! - 45
(East Bay, Incall- North Fremont off 880)
~~ **~~ L..E... P..A.. P...I... L.. L...O...N..... S...P..A... Exotic LADIES.. $50 SpECiaLs~~**~~ - 23
BaCk By PoPuLaR DeMaND*Sensual & Therap Massage by Icelandic Goddess*CMT* Foot Fetish 2**FAB REVIEWS - 29
(Detroit, Suburbs. Safe Upscale Private In-call)
Friday playmate 70$/30 min. Playful/Erotic non therapeutical by athlete/model body/4 days - 33
(Phoenix, Downtown phnx)
💕 Curvy Co-ed💕 Lets Slip && Slide - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, Downtown, Kansas City, Springfield, St Joseph, St Louis - Downtown, St. Louis)
** Sweet Little Asian Doll Real CMT, Independent - North County Incall Mon-Wed :) :) - 26
(City of San Diego, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos, San Diego)
***Beyond What You Ever Expected!!***RAINY WEEK SPECIALS***Start Your Week in a Relaxed Way!!!*** - 57
(Myrtle Beach)
Are you Visiting? Me too:Executives Choice * Mature * Classy * Independent - 43
(Myrtle Beach, NEAR BEACH)
Nude Nuru Massage Extraordinaire * Roleplay*Fantasy Exploration * Fullbody Worship * Mutual touching - 43
(City of San Diego, Pacific Beach/Mission Beach/La Jolla, San Diego)
♥ :*¨¨*: *:. Relaxing Bodyrub by Sexiest Gorgeous Cutie In Town♥ :*¨¨*: *:. - 21
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs Airport)
Private residential in call - massage for discreet gentleman - 30
(Los Angeles, Private residence/in-call)
••••REAL SELFIE•••• """""EXPLOSIVE"""" Nude Body2Body. NO AGENCY, melt in my arms. It's your day! - 25
(Incall Westwood. Near UCLA, Santa Monica, Los Angeles)
Sun 26 Jan
*** Sensual & Therapeutic Massage by Icelandic Goddess **CMT* LVG ORLANDO NEXT WK 100% INDEPENDENT* - 29
(Orlando, Private Upscale loc Nr Convention Center)
Independent *** BRITTANY > 3 *** No "Spa" / No AGENCY *** She's 2 Pretty *** - 26
USA🇺🇸pleasurable energy treatment❤❤❤very attractive❤❤❤classy❤❤❤ unbeatable❤❤❤ satin feeling hands❤❤❤ - 46
(Miami, Miami Beach, miami beach in call only)
*****AMAZING Sensual FB touch with Sexy Lana ... Enjoy NEW CLIENT SPECIALS with the BEST!***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
*****AMAZING Sensual FB touch with SEXY Lana ... Enjoy SPECIALS with the BEST!***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
Amazing Bodywork With Sexy Sensual Brunette I Travel To You! Working Late! 206 795 3522 - 36
Tue 21 Jan
Victoria's Spa, Best in Town Five Star Review, We Have the Most Attractive Ladies in Town $40 Spec - 25
(3827 broad river road SUITE M SUITE M, Columbia)
TANTRIC MUTUAL TOUCH SENSUAL BODY WORSHIP By Gorgeous Nubian Goddess❤💋❤Be A Giver & Receiver Of Joy - 26
(Columbia, Off Assembly St❤Intimate At Home Studio)
ER0TIC B0DY➁B0DY SLIDE NURU MASSAGE By Gorgeous Nubian Goddess❤💋❤My Body On Your Body Is So Amazing - 26
█▒█ VIP Relaxation █▒█ ❤❤ Asian - Latina - Blonde ❤❤ █▒█ Vegas New Elegant Spa ❤❤ - 22
(Las Vegas, Vegas)